Chiropractic Care

Unlike most chiropractors, I do not “pop” or “crack.” Why? This method is 150 years old and is antiquated in its way of diagnosing/treating conditions and achieving pain relief. Second, it’s important to understand that muscles move the bones and have 135 known factors for failure. Whereas the bones only have two factors, inefficient muscles, and trauma. By understanding these, we can treat a patient for a few visits to get a resolution on structural tissue versus a traditional chiropractor who sees a patient two to three times a week for eight to twelve. The conventional approach requires a lot of time away from your life, and over the long haul, those office visits add up much more than I could reasonably charge per case. (We know we bill more than the standard chiropractor, but we do stay less than what the experts charge in our field.) We also make sure your time with the doctor is adequate to make a change. (I’m not sure how a three-six-minute office visit with any doctor can be useful, but this is the standard in chiropractic and many also primary care offices and is typically based on regulations handed down by insurance carriers.)

If that sounds like an odd approach, think about this. Most chiropractors, therapists, and bodywork individuals take their clients, who were mostly hurt standing or sitting either through sport or accident, and treat them only in a lying down posture. As you know, we live in gravity, and there is a gravitational pull on your tissue. Your bones, muscles, ligaments, and other connective tissues are constantly being pulled down by gravity. When you are hurt, you should be treated in the posture of injury, especially concerning the structural tissues. If you fall flat on your rear-end, then that tissue is now pushed up into the spine. If your doctor or therapist lays you down and treats you from the front, back, or side, this is not following the gravitational influence of your injury. The injured tissue needs to be treated toward your feet, opposite of the injury, to distract the compressed group of tissue.

Hopefully, my description doesn’t sound like rocket science but instead more common sense and perhaps why most structural doctors have a lower recovery rate or have to see patients multiple times a week. The skinny is I fix muscles to help people get and feel better. The science I use deduces neurological inhibition or irritation and activates the muscle to make it perform properly, as muscles are tied to so many systems (mainly your brain connects all the systems). There is a method to all that I do. Adaptations are stress responses, and I reduce stress to the body by fixing muscles. Sometimes that includes exercises for your body and brain at home, changes in diet, and nutritional supplements. For most, it includes everything because your systems are all connected. You need a doctor to ensure all systems are connected and performing as they should.

Be well,

Dr. Trites