Gluten-Free Bread Recipe

Here come the holidays. For most, there are obstacles with typical holiday eats and treats. For some, they still may have family members who may roll their eyes when you avoid traditional inflammatory and gluten and dairy stuffed foods.

Here are three great tips to eat as healthy as you can during the holidays.

1) Bring some of your own food….and have some for others. You don’t have to cook for others, just yourself and for those who you may be responsible.
2) Tactfully explain why you are avoiding certain foods. Perhaps use the peanut allergy explanation and why you would avoid peanuts. Your intolerance or sensitivity may not immediately be life-threatening, but it still causes inflammation, pain and disease. You can decide what to tell them beyond that for symptoms, loss of work, fatigue, bloating and brain fog.
3) Remove yourself from an area that has unhealthy food or family/friends who try to pressure you into eating or drinking something you know will sabotage your health. Willpower will eventually run out to have a plan.
Below is a recipe for gluten-free bread crumbs and dinner rolls.

All my best,
Dr. Trites

What you need is gluten-free flour. It can be almond, coconut or better, a combination of the two.

To make bread crumbs for Thanksgiving

10 oz of your gluten-free flour
1 cup egg whites
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 cup of water

You will need:
Baking pan
Parchment paper
Mixing bowl
Measuring utensils

Set the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
Mix water, egg whites and vinegar
Add mix to your flour and stir well
Knead for 90 seconds and allow it to rest
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
Split the dough into two parts
Divide each part into thirds and place them evenly on the baking sheet
Bake 400 degrees for 40 minutes

Take out from the oven and then reduce the oven temperature to 325
Cut each piece in half and place the cut side (unbaked side) up
Return to the oven for an additional 45 minutes then remove and let cool
Once cool, pull the bread apart and return to the over for an additional 30 minutes
Remove from the over and smash or use a processor to get to breadcrumb pieces
Use immediately or store until ready for use

Dinner Rolls
You will need
1 1/3 cups of your gluten-free flour
1/2 cup egg whites
1tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup water
1 tsp baking powder
A pinch of salt
Seasoning of your choice (garlic, rosemary, basil)

You will need:
Baking pan
Parchment paper
Mixing bowl
Measuring utensils

Set the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
Mix water, egg whites and vinegar
Gradually add mix, salt and seasoning to your flour and stir well until the dough is consistent
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
Shape into rolls and place on parchment paper
Bake at 400 degrees for 25 min then turn down the temperature to 375 degrees and bake for an additional 20-30 minutes